Replica Pieces
We have made the exciting decision to produce small, limited runs of cast replicas of Andrew's most popular designs. Each piece will be hand finished in our workshop under the watchful eye of Andrew.
We are very proud of the quality of all of these designs and think they represent superb value for money.
If you have any questions about anything here just get in touch.
A note on the difference between cast and handmade:
We are very proud of the quality of all of these designs and think they represent superb value for money.
Unlike our handmade bespoke designs these will only be available in a limited number of sizes, metals and finishes. We do hope to grow and refresh the range over time so please don't be discouraged if there's nothing here for you right now!
The designs we pick will be ones Andrew thinks will last the best and keep the best fidelity of pattern work over time.
We will cast in small batches and finish each one to the highest standards but there are limitations to this process. We will never sell something that we don't believe in but we are also going to be honest about the reality of what you should expect.
Cast Jewellery is not as precise or durable as when it is handmade and we will be producing them primarily in Sterling silver too (although castings in other metals may be possible on request).
Because of this we would suggest they be worn more as occasional pieces.
Everyday wear will shorten the life of a cast silver ring more than it would a hand made one or one made in a more durable metal. This is the unavoidable tradeoff in cost vs durability so if it is a wedding ring or something you want to wear everyday and keep for a long time we would definitely advise that you look to our handmade bespoke route.
If you have any questions about anything here just get in touch.
The Ashcroft Jewellery team